
Posts Tagged ‘endorphins’

Someone asked whether seeking divine love is better than seeking human love. Here was my response. Although this is a simplistic explanation, there is a hormone of “connection” called oxytocin. When we are in love, we are, in part, high on oxytocin. Those of us who have nursed babies can remember the oxytocin high that comes with being so in love with and connected to our infants. New mothers are “drowning” in oxytocin. The moment of sexual union has a lot of oxytocin involved. Other hormones involved in this are endorphins. Research has shown that being held by their mother (but only their mother) causes babies to release a lot of endorphins. They are the hormones, the inner opiods, of pleasure. So….connection with spirit causes us to release both oxytocin and endorphins. In other words, it causes us to feel incredibly good. Being in love, ditto. However, the idea in Inner Bonding is to have our own way to get the oxytocin and endorphins, by connecting with spirit and by being that loving parent for our own inner child. Not having anyone to share all of this good stuff with is lonely, not as lonely as not having access to it at all by a lot for sure, but lonely. So we express this as human love and sharing this with someone who can create a positive feedback loop with us, as a young nursing baby automatically does, as someone who is generating their own hormones of connection does, takes it to the highest possibly intensity. When we connect to someone else to get this from them, the vibration is much lower and it fizzles out.

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